HCA Senior Class Fundraiser

HCA Senior Class Fundraiser

Hey local friends… Heartland Christian Academy seniors are selling discount cards which include deals for the Solid Rock Cafe and Ozark Steakhouse, along with other businesses including Quincy. (And if you’re a regular Casey’s pizza buyer, this is a great card for you!) Contact HCA or a senior to get your card.

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Donations for Texans

Donations for Texans

Hello Parents/Caregivers, As an extension of what the Heartland Community is doing to reach out to Texans in need, our school would like to ask you to participate in a collection of school supplies for victims of Hurricane Harvey. As many of you know, the storm caused severe damage to many homes, churches, nursing homes, and other facilities. Elementary schools took a hard hit as well and it will take time to successfully recover from the...

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Congratulations to two graduating classes

Congratulations to two graduating classes

Congratulations to two graduating classes at Heartland Christian Academy. Kindergarten Graduation 2017 On Monday, May 29th at 6:00pm, parents and friends gathered for HCA’s Kindergarten Graduation to celebrate with teacher Jenny Dombrowski and her class as they stepped into the next new and exciting season of their young lives! HCA Graduation 2017 We recognize and congratulate the Seniors of HCA upon their graduation on Sunday, June 4th....

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Night of the Arts

Night of the Arts

HCA Night of the Arts is an evening that highlights the accomplishments of HCA students in all areas of our Fine Arts Program. In addition to our band concert, other disciplines in creativity will be featured on this night as well. We hope that this will grow into an event where the creative side of these students can be celebrated and, with the proper vision and direction, be empowered to use their talent in a way to lead others to worship...

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The Amazing Grace Race Musical

The Amazing Grace Race Musical

Join the kids’ choir at Heartland Christian Academy as they present The Amazing Grace Race on Wednesday, May 10, 2017. On your mark…get set…GO! Tie your shoe strings and begin your race with this high-energy kids’ musical, The Amazing Grace Race, created by Celeste Clydesdale. These young racers are learning that the secret to running life’s grace race is to follow in His steps but in their shoes. When facing tough...

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HCA Senior Class Fundraiser

HCA Senior Class Fundraiser

Come enjoy a wonderful breakfast made by our HCA Seniors, April 8th, 2017, from 8am-10am in the HCA Gymnasium. A full meal includes pancakes, a fruit cup, your choice of bacon or sausage, and a drink. Plus, there will be a bouncy house for the kids! Prices: Adult Meal= $5.00 Kids 3-7= $4.00 Kids 2 and under eat FREE!

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